Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nintendo Is Lacking in Horror

A great post from the IGN Boards:

IGNer 1: I see Nintendo [releasing games] for 2012 from both them and 3rd parties (at the very least):

Mario Party 9, Rhythm Heaven, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, New Fatal Frame, Fatal Frame 4, Earthseeker, Rodea, Dragon Quest Collections, Dynamic Slash, Sengoku Basara Utage, Another Code R, Disaster, Dragon Quest X, Epic Mickey 2, and a minor Nintendo franchise (Wii _____/Other)

Responding to a comment that DQX is the only good game on the list by "IGNer 2":

IGNer 3: So, are you saying the The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Fatal Frame, Epic Mickey, and Dragon Quest games aren't games worth getting? Every single one of those I just listed is an amazing game. The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are HUGELY great games, so much so, that a whole movement for them including Xenoblade Chronicles has been established. Along with that, the Fatal Frame games are great survival horror games, something that the Wii is surely lacking and just like they did with transitioning from N64 to Gamecube, I can imagine Big N releasing more adult-oriented games. With the backwards compatibility on Wii U, this also ensures that there are some hardcore games you can play on it in case the release schedule is dry. ........

IGN Boards

Bad Year for the Wii

"2011 was not kind to Wii owners. While the 3DS had a rocky year of its own, and the Wii U began to take form, there simply were no games of note on Nintendo's home console until the final weeks of the year. To put it mildly, that kind of content management is unacceptable, particularly from a veteran publisher that has watched its previous two home platforms suffer the same fate. Why were no lessons learned? How did the release schedule simply bottom out in such a drastic fashion? The mere idea that Nintendo is forced to delay completed games like Xenoblade to 2012, for seemingly no other reason than to grasp at satisfying its customers until a new console arrives, is stunning.

What's scary is 2012 isn't necessarily looking much better, unless you're willing to invest a few hundred dollars in what Nintendo has planned next. The company will have a lot to prove in the coming year, particularly on the heels of a year like this one."


Needs some Fatal Frame in 2012, tbh. ;)

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Let Nintendo Know We Want This"

Via the lovely people over at the BCL forums:

Email/write your country's Nintendo and let them know you want Fatal Frame released internationally.

United States

Reginald Fils-Aime (President and COO)
c/o Nintendo of America
4600 150th AVE NE
Redmond, WA 98052



Conrad Abbott (President)
c/o Nintendo of Canada
150-2925 Virtual Way
Vancouver, BC V5M 4X5


Europe (Germany)

Satoru Shibata (Präsident)
c/o Nintendo of Europe
GmbH Nintendo Center
63760 Grossostheim


Europe (UK)

Satoru Shibata (President and director of NoE)
c/o Nintendo of Europe
55-57 High Street Windsor



Yuji Bando (Managing director of Nintendo of Australia)
c/o Nintendo of Australia
PO BOX 804
Ferntree Gully VIC 3156

Email: ???


NoA confirms Xenoblade for NA


Within the last hour, Nintendo of America has confirmed via their official facebook page the release of the Japan-only released JRPG Xenoblade.

"It's confirmed! Next year, Wii players throughout North America can wield the Monado blade and join the epic battle between the Homs and the Mechons in Xenoblade Chronicles. Like this post if you're ready for an adventure on the surface of two frozen Titans!"

It seems that Operation Rainfall members have something to celebrate about.

Here's to hoping that Nintendo will consider releasing other games that were previously said to not be seen outside of Japan, including Fatal Frame.

Welcome to Op Zero

Taking a note of inspiration from Operation Rainfall's success in pushing Nintendo of America to bring at least two of the games they had been pushing for, over to North American shores. Operation Zero, or OpZero for short, intends to do the same thing, only in this case our cause is for one specific game. That game being Fatal Frame: Deep Crimson Butterfly, alsoa Wii exclusive.

We at OpZero have laid down the groundwork for plans on how we are going to do this. Like Operation Rainfall, we are working on promoting European sales of the game, which on their shores will be known as Project Zero 2 Wii Edition, and we shall be staging our own write-in campaign to bring this game to North America too.

The plan goes as follows:

Step 1: Promote the organization, encourage people to join us, broaden the horizons and extend beyond Facebook to bring even more people into the fold.

Step 2: Begin Phase 1 of the write-in campaign to Nintendo of America, begin to make inroads to Nintendo themselves using this method and let them know exactly what we want. (Completed)

Step 3: Continued growth, inking out deals with other sites to promote OpZero even more should we get notice from Nintendo themselves. Continued contact via calling in, and writing in. (Ongoing)

Step 4: Initiate Phase 2 of the write-in campaign once substantial growth is reached in order to attain a bigger impact than before. Continue paving the inroads to Nintendo, encouraging them to finally bring the Fatal Frame series back to the states not just for this generation of gaming, but future generations as well. (Ongoing)

Step 5: TBA

Know that we at OpZero are dedicated to the cause, and are absolutely determined to make sure the Fatal Frame series gets it's due, and gets the gold treatment it so rightfully deserves. Everyone who becomes a member will be another notch closer to bringing a wonderful game that deserves to be experienced by everyone who wants it, to North American shores.